
旅行要做的事情 The Things Should be Done In a Trip

作者:Admin2021-04-02 11:00:32

导读:For most people, travel is a great thing. They will make a long plan before the trip starts. It is believed that shopping and delicious food are considered to be the necessary plans. While for some people, they dont care about the things me... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《旅行要做的事情 The Things Should be Done In a Trip》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  For most people, travel is a great thing. They will make a long plan before the trip starts. It is believed that shopping and delicious food are considered to be the necessary plans. While for some people, they don’t care about the things mentioned above. Different people have different ways to travel.


  For most people who enjoy shopping and delicious food, the purpose of the trip is to buy local products and to eat local food. So they prepare a large amount of money, enjoying the feeling of shopping. In a lot of tourist cities, almost all the shops will write the commercial ads with mandarin, for attracting more Chinese customers.


  For other tourists, they just enjoy the atmosphere and do nothing. They prefer to sit in the cafe shop and read the books for a whole afternoon. Once I did not understand such behavior, but now, as I have seen more and more scenery, I started to realize that it was another way to relax themselves.


  We can’t judge which way is best for a trip, because the way to enjoy life is various.


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