

作者:张起灵2024-07-17 01:10:15

导读:个人委托函 篇一 I (本人), ______________________________________Name (姓名), 个人委托函范文三篇 Passport/Identity Card (护照/身份证号码) ______________________, hereby authorised (兹委托) (姓名)______________... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!


  个人委托函 篇一

  I (本人), ______________________________________Name (姓名),


  Passport/Identity Card (护照/身份证号码) ______________________,

  hereby authorised (兹委托) (姓名)____________________________,

  holder of Passport/Identity Card (护照/身份证号码) ________________,

  Contact Number (联系电话)_________________________________

  My (我的) _____________________(eg father, mother, business partner, friend) (如父亲, 母亲, 商业伙伴, 朋友)

  to □ submit or □ collect* my passport with its visa on my behalf (代表我 □ 递交 或 □ 领取* 我的护照与签证申请).

  ______________________________ ______________ Signature of Applicant(申请人签名) Date(日期)

  Please tick. 请打勾。

  个人委托函 篇二

  I (本人), ______________________________________Name (姓名),

  Passport/Identity Card (护照/身份证号码) ______________________,

  hereby authorised (兹委托) (姓名)____________________________,

  holder of Passport/Identity Card (护照/身份证号码) ________________,

  Contact Number (联系电话)_________________________________

  My (我的) _____________________(eg father, mother, business partner, friend) (如父亲, 母亲, 商业伙伴, 朋友)

  to □ submit or □ collect* my passport with its visa on my behalf (代表我 □ 递交 或 □ 领取* 我的护照与签证申请).

  ______________________________ ______________ Signature of Applicant(申请人签名) Date(日期)

  Please tick. 请打勾。

  Note: Even if the same person is authorised to submit and collect the application, a separate form has to be completed.


编辑特别推荐:个人委托函药师岗位竞聘书范文学校请示怎么写学生升学宴家长致辞初中生个人事迹, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!