

作者:铁秋风2023-09-21 20:30:17

导读:篇一:英文导游词范文 The Mosque is a major spot for religious activities of over 60.000 Moslems in Xian, likewise, an important cultural relic protected by the Provincial Peoples Government. Unlike the Arabic mosques, with splendi... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!



  The Mosque is a major spot for religious activities of over 60.000 Moslems in Xi’an, likewise, an important cultural relic protected by the Provincial People’s Government. Unlike the Arabic mosques, with splendid domes, the minarets reaching into the clouds, the coulourful engraved sketches with dazzling patterns, the Mosque here in Xi’an possesses much Chinese traditional touch in both its design and artistic outlook; besides the style peculiar to Islamic mosques, this Mosque also holds characteristics of Chinese pavilions with painted beams and engraved ridgepoles.

  However, any further discussion about the Mosque will be futile unless anything of the introduction of Islam into China is brought up.

  Islam as a religious order was founded in the early period of the 7th century A.D. and was introduced to China in the mid-600s. At that time, Arabian merchants and travelers came to the northwest of China by way of Persia and Afghanistan and thus established diplomatic, trade, and military contacts with China. In the meantime, another route saw a batch of sea voyagers through Bangladesh Bay and the Malacca Strait to China’s Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Huangzhou, Yangzhou and other cities where many of them settled down and married the local women who later gave birth to babies who then became Moslems.

  However, massive immigration of the Moslems to China did not take place until as late as the early period of the 13th century, when Genghis Khan, as a result of his expedition against the west, had conquered vast expanses of land stretching from Central Asia to Eastern Europe, including the north of Iran. Many of the Moslems in the conquered areas were thus forced to enlist and later settled in China.

  Among the enlisted many were soldiers, and some were smiths and officials who were called the Hui people in the history books on the Yuan dynasty. The Hui people later followed Kublai Khan down to the south, helping him unifying China and then establish the Yuan dynasty. In the wake of the conquest, Islam spread all over China and mosques began to appear everywhere. In the Yuan dynasty, many Moslems held positions both in the military and civilian organs of the country. And a lot of the Moslems took part in Zhu Yuanzhang’s uprising in the early 14th century and made great contributions to the founding of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, all the emperors of the Dynasty issued mandates to protect Islam, and to set up mosques in praise of the Moslems for their feats. In the early 16th century, Islam predominated Qinghai on the minority nationalities including the Huis, the Uygurs, the Kazaks, the Kirgizes, the Tajiks, the Tartars, the Ozbeks, the Dong Xiangs, the Salars and the Bonans. The Moslems in Xi’an are mainly the Huis, being a small portion out of the ten million in China.

  The Mosque at Hua Jue Lane is the largest in Xi’an, and at the same time, it is also one of the earliest built on a comparatively large scale, and well preserved mosques in China.

  According to the Stele on the Building of the Mosque”, the mosque is said to be built in the Tang Dynasty. However, the architectural style of the mosque suggests a possible building dating back to the Ming Dynasty. The four courtyards of the mosque cover an area of more than 12,000 square meters, out of which about 4,000 are occupied by various structures. The still intact wooden front memorial gateway of the front yard, built at the turn of the 17th century, with glazed tiles on the top, spectacular corners and upturned eaves, is about 9 metres high, and has a history of about 360 years. The stone memorial gateway in the center of the second courtyard is flanked with a tail stele on either side with dragons carved on each, recording the repair work ever since the building of the Mosque. On the back of one of the steles are engraved characters by the master calligrapher Mi Fu, May Buddhism Fill the Universe”, on the other, Royal -Bestowed”by Dong Qichang, another master of the same art of the Ming dynasty. They are treasures in Chinese calligraphy. At the entrance of the third courtyard is an imperial built hall, where a month tablet”, showing the calculation of the Hui Calendars in Arabic, is stored. It was compiled by a man in charge of the mosque called Xiao Mining in the early period of the Qing dynasty. A three –storeyed octagonal wooden structure called Retrospection Tower”also stands in the center of the courtyard, which has the same function as the minaret in Islamic temples in Arabic countries, and which is a place from where orders were sent to call the Moslems to come to worship. Respectively, on the south and north wings of the tower, are a reception chamber and a Scripture Chamber, both elegantly laid out. The five wooden houses, which are called Water Houses”in the southwest section of the Mosque are the place where the believers bathe themselves before they attend their services. And in side the fourth courtyard there is a structure called the Pavilion of Phoenix”, a place where the worshipers used to wait for the services. The Pavilion, in fact, is a compound structure of three small buildings. The six-gabled structure of the central part, adjoining the two three-gabled buildings on each side looks very much like a flying phoenix, and hence its name. Just at the back of the Pavilion, there is a fishpond, beyond which is a platform occupying an area as large as 700 m2. Across both ends of the platform stands the 1,300 square metered service hall, holding over a thousand worshipers at once. There are over six hundred sunk panels well as the sunk panels, are decorated with patterns of painted trailing plants and Arabic letterings. The imam leads his group of worshipers, while facing in the direction of Mecca, to chant in Koran and to pay their religious homage.

  The Moslems in China share very much the same customs with their brothers and sisters elsewhere in the world. They worship five times a day: at dawn, at noon, in the afternoon, at dusk, and at night. Female worshipers attend their services in a separated place from their brothers, usually at home. Moslems pay special attention to their health and see that they always wear clean clothes. They are teetotalers not only of wine, but also of pork and animal blood for in Koran pigs have been mentioned four times as being unclean”. According to Koran, a man can have four wives and women should wear veils when they go out. However, except a few places in Xinjiang, the Chinese practise monogamy and women are veiless when they go out. Upon his death, a Moslem has to be thoroughly cleaned”(thoroughly bathed), has to be put on Ke Fan”(to be shrouded with a piece of white cloth) and has to be buried coffinless in the ground, with an imam reciting Scriptures at the funeral.

  The Chinese constitution promulgates that freedom of religion of each citizen and freedom of preserving or reforming local customs for every nationality are permitted. And of course, the Moslems in China enjoy equal rights with peoples of other nationalities and their religious beliefs and customs are respected everywhere in the country.


  Armies of passengers, everyone! Welcome to visit the Summer Palace, I am a small lead decorous wen, please we care a lot! Ok, I'll tell you something about knowledge about the Summer Palace!

  The Summer Palace, is China's largest and best-preserved imperial garden existing, is one of China's four big gardens, known as the royal garden museum. The other three gardens as: chengde summer resort, suzhou the humble administrator's garden, and the lingering garden in suzhou. The Summer Palace was built in 1750, built in 1764, the 14 years, built out of the plane or on the surface of the object is about 290 hectares of the Summer Palace.

  Now we enter the Summer Palace. The Summer Palace is a beautiful big park, around the hall, came to the famous promenade. The aisle has more than 700 meters long, divided into 273. You look up, each cross sill have colorful paintings, painted figures, flowers and plants, landscape. Thousands of picture is not that is the same. Look at both sides, both sides gallery, filled with flowers and trees, a phuong haven't flowers, that a phuong flowers opened again.

  Armies of passengers, covered corridor, a mountain emerge in front of us, the mountain is called longevity hill, 58. 59 meters, halfway up the hill, a triangular pyramid three house building stands in there, that is the Buddha nasal pavilion. The rows of resplendent and magnificent palace, under the row is cloud temple.

  On the mountainside of the longevity hill, the Summer Palace landscape in half closed, are the quiet like a mirror in front, green, like a jasper lake is kunming lake, it accounted for three-quarters of the dominated.

  Coming down from the longevity hill, the kunming lake. Lake center has a small island, the tips of the trees, we want to the island by a stone bridge, there are seventeen little tunnel in this stone, so called ten 7 bridge. We look at both sides, bridge railing on hundreds of pillar, pillar are engraved a little lion. A lion also have different attitude, no two are the same.

  Armies of passengers, today's trip to the Summer Palace is almost over, I hope you have fun!


  The classmates, you all know Qingdao there are many scenic spots like pier, shilaoren, the rainforest valley, laoshan, 10 MeiAn, underwater world, zhongshan park, etc., they are all Qingdao "bright spot". Especially the trestle, shilaoren, laoshan, underwater world, a trip to visit people is an endless stream. There is also a scenic spot is given by nature and that is the sea.

  The sea gives us a lot of opportunities, take the 20xx Olympic Games, for instance, Qingdao, is because of the sea, so can get the sailing events held. The sea. Has given us power, when you are tired, a glance at the sea, will vanish in fatigue. When you are stressed, looked at the boundless sea, will throw heart outside the cloud nine. The vast sea is like the sea of knowledge, let us know about the many, many. Underwater world is built under the sea.

  In autumn, in laoshan, the rainforest valley, ten MeiAn is the autumn wind the leaves, the earth looks like a layer of orange on the shop carpet, the man walk on the soft, can be fun! And it is so beautiful.

  Qingdao is so beautiful, I don't want this kind of beautiful landscape is those who litter destroyed, so we should protect the environment, make Qingdao a city with the sea more beautiful!


  Hello, ladies and gentlemen!

  I'm the tour guide of tour group. You can call me Xiao Zhao. I will leadyou to a beautiful and spectacular Huashan.

  Huashan Mountain is one of the most famous five mountains in China, with analtitude of 2154.9 meters. It is located in Huayang City, Weinan City, 120kilometers east of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. It is adjacent to the smooth WeiheRiver Plain and the roaring Yellow River in the north, and Qinling Mountains inthe south. It is a granite on the north side of Qinling ridge. With the changeof nature, Huashan is a national scenic spot.

  "Everybody, catch up with the team. Huashan Xiang is famous for itsprecipitousness and precipitousness, ranking first among the five mountains. Asthe saying goes, "Huashan has been a road since ancient times.". Along the way,you must pass through qianchizhuang, baichixia, Laojun plough, Shangtianti,canglongling and other extremely dangerous thoroughfares.

  Look at this. This is Pinus armandii. Pinus armandii has yellow male coneswith several oval spatulate scales around the base Resin can be extracted fromtrunk, tannin extract can be extracted from bark, aromatic oil can be extractedfrom needles, and oil can be extracted from seeds.

  I hope you can have a good day! Next time I'll travel with you!


  Hatosy park, located in the south ring road of hefei an old outsourcing riverfront wuhu road, on the outside of city southeast of the old walls, due to the northern song dynasty official named bao and its descendants the land of the living. Was built in the scenic bao temple and packet cemetery, makes this a fair death honors the whole life of places of historic interests and respect all the people.

  Bao Ming jiajing period, in reading the channel mouth piers built on bao temple, main hall sits eight feet tall statue of baogong involved, dynasty, mahan, get, yan-fang stand on both sides, and there are three Zha bibcock, tiger, dog; Both sides wing cemetery unearthed cultural relics on display package, including the family precepts and exhibits such as pao family tree. Temple east hexagonal pavilion has a well, legend corrupt officials drank Wells have a headache, so the name "CV 23". Hatosy southeast covers an area of 3 hectares of conifers, is the cemetery bao and his wife and children. To commemorate the one thousand anniversary of baogong involved in hatosy park to planning and construction on the basis of the original culture of baogong involved, hereinafter referred to as "package" park. Hatosy park in addition to the bao temple, cemetery, also a new sky court, bao memorial, benediction, such as square, the water fountain.

  Reorganize built bao park, bao temple, bao cemetery, cool breeze pavilion three as the main scenic spot building, another footprint associated with bao tong, floating zhuang two open spots.

  The footprints pond:

  Originally hatosy a pond on a small island, it and jump to the hatosy, middle lies in hatosy. Footprints pond nearly 20 meters long, about 8 meters wide, as the giant left a deep footprint.

  In the legend, bao zheng youth pier reading, often to visit here. Then north island did not "jade belt bridge", one day, zheng have a good time here think of to see the other side, the surface is not wide, but without a bridge without a boat, so had to suddenly jump forward. Because legend bao originally wanted heaven descent in the foetus, so that a single island left a deep and big footprints, over time to form a small pond, so people call it "footprints pond". This may be a myth legend, colour, for hefei citizens to bao's admiration.

  Floating zhuang:

  Former academy of baogong involved, reconstruction in 1983, in August 20xx, and to build, covers an area of 20 mu. Its south and neighbouring packet cemetery, the wind pavilion, west and bao temple from afar is a set of the teahouse, the lotus pond, TingXie, winding scene of classical gardens built in accordance with the water, with jiangnan gardens and artistic architectural characteristics.

  Floating around the green water swirl zhuang, like floating on the surface of the ancient village, so the former defense secretary general zhang aiping named "floating" zhuang for it.

  Bao temple

  Bao temple is located in hefei hatosy lake, south of the town, there is a long and narrow island, the island green trees, colorful flowers like scene, with a white wall park of ancient buildings is the temple of baogong involved, bao temple is the official representative figure in the history of Chinese bao's ancestral temple. Hefei now bao temple has become a beautiful scenery. The four seasons here visitors constantly, as anyone who to hefei to honor the official history.

  Hatosy lotus root

  Hatosy lotus root is a big attraction, the lotus root silk, also symbolizes the bao zheng impartially. Lead all the nations.


  Ancient capital of luoyang, is a one thousand. The famous historic sites is obviously, like, white horse temple, longmen grottoes, tianjin bridge and so on and so on, a lot. My favorite is the white horse temple.

  When I was seven or eight years old, has ever been to the white horse temple once more. I was the first ancient China after two thousand years of wind and rain.

  The monastery was founded in AD 68. Published in 1961 by the state council for the national first batch of one of the key cultural relics protection units. White horse temple, the temple there are great, big Buddha hall, male, such as house, a lot of magnificent buildings. And white horse temple is the birthplace of Chinese Buddhism, also known as the "cradle" and "interpretation of the source".

  It is said that: one night in the year 67, the han emperor liuzhuang had a dream, dream of a fairy, surrounded by golden body is light, the light come from a far country, landing in front of the royal house. Han Ming emperor was very happy. In court the next morning, he told officials, their own dreams and ask where is sacred. Seeks Fu Yi well-read, he told han Ming emperor: "I heard that western tianzhu (India), and a word of god, as Buddha, can fly in the fantasy, the whole body radiates with light, the emperor you dreamed about Buddha!" And the king of han Ming emperor sent messengers Qin Jing, according to 13 people go to the western regions, such as promise. Three years later, they are the same as the two Indian monks and Ye Ma teng and zhu flange back to luoyang, back to a number of books and Buddha, and start to translate the part of buddhist scriptures, "medallion 42" is one of them. The emperor ordered built China's first buddhist temple in the capital of luoyang, to house the sainted Indian monk, they bring valuable storage by things such as, the temple of luoyang white horse temple today.

  White horse temple is not only the first in the history of Chinese ancient temples, or a have a lot of vivid figure of Buddha and grand buildings.

  I took a tour of the white horse temple, saw many vivid figure of Buddha. Not only has a vivid interesting "happy Buddha maitreya," there are four jovian pop. Formed a great contrast. There is also a scenery left a deep impression on me. That is JiYun tower. The stupa, though not very grand, but have radian tower, give a person the sense with small and exquisite,.

  White horse temple, over one thousand years of wind and rain is a monastery, is the pride of our luoyang people heart!


  Andy scenic spot located at the side of the east suburb of kunming mingfeng, covers an area of 1773 mu of 8 km away from downtown. Mirage resorts to create next thirty years wanli (1602) Ming chongzhen decade (1637) moved tongdian struck binchuan chicken foot mountain, the qing emperor kangxi 10 years (1671), the day the king wu sangui reconstruction of the existing building double-hipped roof mountain type zhenwu bronze, bronze weighing 250 tons, is China's largest copper construction, it is the Summer Palace in Beijing mirage of the longevity hill intact; More than, the wudang mountain in hubei Andy is the largest remaining pure copper temple in China. The famous Andy belongs to taihe palace, as part of the total weight of 250 tons, for double-hipped roof flying pavilion imitation wood square building, the temple 6.7 meters high, 6.2 meters wide, deep, including stone, corrugated roof eaves beams, statues, curtain, bottle opener, you had plaque jacaranda with banners, etc were bronze.

  Andy since with Chen bin Yu Wanli nonyl Yin (1602) years, ding, has more than 380 years; Wu sangui reconstruction has more than 210 years. Built during Ming wanli period. With Chen bin modeled on hubei all counties within the territory of mount wudang tianzhufeng taihe palace and mirage, built a little change. The late Ming dynasty ruled yunnan mu's evil, court repeatedly being disciplined, family decline. But, he is not on its own to find root cause, and to seek relief from the superstition. Letter is: YingWuShan in the east of the city, the mountain stands the bronze, "copper is the genera, of the west can g wood", so the tour by Zhang Feng He, mount tongdian down to chicken feet of western yunnan, fengshan mirage, existing Wu Sanjia rebuilt at the beginning of the qing dynasty. There were "on the beam, the qing emperor kangxi 10 years, were the big lv, ten door day, the day prince wu sangui worship", etc.

  From the bottom up the car and walk, fairy bridge, into the "mingfeng", "first tianmen", "two tianmen" and "three doors. Climbing the tianmen, visible ancient grave taihe palace gate. Al cloud: "painting lianyun, three acres of castle peak, zhu LouYing, don't drive wizard a heavy day". Again into the temple gate, lingxingmeng door, visible stand tall brick city, blow about several zhangs, just like the Forbidden City. Along the order into the "city", right against the face high steps and is the center of the taihe palace architecture, famous mirage. Spot with three layers of 36 wing Angle of 29 meters high tower, the third floor of the dome, hung Ming yongle (1432) 21 years big bronze, cast by 3.5 metres high, caliber 6.7 meters circumference, 14 tonnes, to yunnan's largest antique clock. New "China golden expo garden", the wudang mountain in hubei, wutai mountain in shanxi, shandong taishan, and Beijing copper building housed a garden of the longevity hill. Estates in the pile of marble, Bridges water, step rail, road Shi Fang, plant flowers, such as landscape set each other off, form small and exquisite imitation bronze culture landscape. Andy botanical garden has 500 acres of gardens, has built the tea garden, azalea garden, magnolia, rose garden, WenShi District ten park, introduction of more than 20xx kinds of garden plants. Andy area is a combination of humanities landscape, natural landscape features of tourist attractions. Seven kilometers to the northeast in the city of kunming on phoenix mountain, have completely in bronze casting bronze, a house in the hot sun yi yi is unripe brightness, dazzling, so people called the mirage, is key protected cultural relics in China.

  Spring city in qing dynasty kangxi nine years (AD 1670), wu sangui after peasant uprising, the rate of division into ju kunming, reconstruction of mirage. Can be seen on the mirage girders now ", the qing emperor kangxi 10 years, were the major of ji lu month (October) 6, day prince wu sangui to build "the copper. The inside of the Buddha, signboards, beams, level, doors and Windows, panlong, decoration and so on are made of bronze. Andy, floor, the steps of the railings are unique marble build by laying bricks or stones. The whole house majestic, beautiful and easy. Outside the temple built with walls, gates, battlements. The city on the floor. In behind the side, there are thick folded more than two strains of camellia one individual plant and crape myrtle, legend has it for the kind of the Ming dynasty, before and after the Spring Festival every year, thousands of camellia flowers in full bloom, bonus as fire.


  Zhengzhou is an old city. As early as 3500 years ago, it was an importantcapital of the Shang Dynasty. Zhengzhou has a long history and is one of thebirthplaces of the Chinese nation, which breeds the Chinese nation and itssplendid culture. There were five dynasties (Xia, Shang, Guan, Zheng and Han) asthe capital, and eight dynasties (SUI, Tang, Five Dynasties, song, Jin, yuan,Ming and Qing) as the prefecture. Peiligang culture 8000 years ago, Dahe village5000 years ago, Qinwang village and other types of Yangshao culture and Longshanculture sites are found in the area. According to historical records, thebirthplace of Huangdi, the first ethnic group of the Chinese nation, is locatedin Xinzheng, Zhengzhou city. The Xia Dynasty, the first slavery Dynasty inChinese history, had its capital built in Yangcheng (now Dengfeng City ofZhengzhou), and Shang Wang Zhongding moved his capital to? This shows thatZhengzhou was the political center of the country for a long time inhistory.

  During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, Zhengand Han established their capitals in Xinzheng for more than 500 years. Duringthe Qin and Han Dynasties, Xingyang, Gong, Jing, Xinzheng and other countieswere established in Zhengzhou area. Xingyang once became the world's famouscapital of "Fu Guan Hai Nei". After that, Xingyang County, North Yuzhou andXingzhou were set up in Zhengzhou. In 583 ad, Xingzhou was changed intoZhengzhou. Sui kaihuang 16 years (AD 596 years) set up the State Administration.Guancheng, as the governance of Zhengzhou and Guanzhou, has become the politicaland economic center of Zhengzhou. After the opening of the Grand Canal andTongji canal by Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, Zhengzhou once became animportant hub of water and land transportation in China. After the capital ofBianjing was established in the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhengzhou belonged toJingji road. In the fourth year of Chongning (AD 1105), it was built as Xifu andbecame one of the four Fu counties in the Song Dynasty. In the early MingDynasty, Zhengzhou belonged to Kaifeng Prefecture. In the Qing Dynasty,Zhengzhou was promoted to Zhili twice.

  At the beginning of this century, due to the intersection of pinghanrailway and Longhai Railway in Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou's national industry,handicraft industry and commerce developed rapidly. In 1923, the February 7thstrike broke out in Zhengzhou, which shocked China and foreign countries, andwrote a glorious chapter in the history of Chinese labor movement. From 1929 to1931, Zhengzhou once abolished the county and set up a city. Zhengzhou wasofficially established on October 22, 1948 and became the capital of HenanProvince in 1954.


  Dear visitors:

  Hello everyone! I'm your guide. My name is Xu Ying, and I'll call me a little bit. Now I will lead you to visit the Imperial Palace and appreciate the cultural heritage of our country.

  The Imperial Palace is the imperial palace of two dynasties in Ming and Qing Dynasty in China, and it is also the largest and most complete ancient building group in existence. So we should not throw rubbish or touch things when we visit, so that we can enjoy the the Imperial Palace with a historic atmosphere. (reminding the places that visitors should pay attention to)

  Entering the gate of the temple of Taihe, it is a magnificent palace that shows in front of you. The largest wooden building in front of the building, it is very striking, that is the temple of Taihe. It is the symbol of the imperial power, and whenever there is a great event, the emperor holds it here. Behind a row of beautiful decoration embarrassing palace and temple, there are. (in accordance with the order of sightseeing)

  After swimming the splendid hall of Taihe, we can walk north, and we can feel the breath of life here. All the living things here are first class at that time, and the outdoors in the back of the palace are the Imperial Garden. Its pattern and layout are compact, antique and ornament with flowers and trees. The pavilions, terraces and open halls. It is a good place to be elegant and enjoyable. All along, the east of the Imperial Palace towers and other three towers from afar. Their peculiar shape, and form a perfect exquisite beyond compare, pictures of the surrounding environment.

  How many working people's sweaty and wisdom has been condensed by this magnificent project! In fact, the Imperial Palace was successful in December 1987, and since then it has become a tourist attraction of cultural heritage.

  This is the end of this journey, and I wish you all a good time. Thank you


  Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

  Zhuhai is located in the southwest of the pearl river mouth, is named for the place of pearl river into the south China sea. Tang and song dynasty ago, river delta coastal line in the five northwest, north of guishan (now zhongshan city) in zhuhai for scattered throughout your remote island in the pearl river estuary. The saga of zhuhai place names to the original, but the most robust should also from the geographical perspective to give definitions. Zhuhai between tang and LingDingYang waters, the ancient Chinese were local people called "zhuhai". In the journal down genealogy, someone named "zhuhai" tang (Ming dynasty yongle). Republic Tang Gusan peak primary school "the school song," the lyrics are "ring zhuhai before and after the pillow goose peak" of the sentence. These waters have a visible "zhuhai". Therefore, to build county, is called a "zhuhai".

  Also has a beautiful legend, when the tang dynasty, there was a ship from the Muslim Arab merchant here in the wind, with a lot of jewelry. For a long time after the accident, people still can catch from the sea into the jewelry, said here in zhuhai.

  Zhuhai is an important city on the southern tip of the pearl river delta, located in the southwest of guangdong pearl river mouth, geographic coordinates in latitude 21 ° 48 '~ 22 ° 27', longitude 113 ° 03 '~ 114 ° 19' between. Are connected to the macau east and Hong Kong across the sea, south, west of new will, taishan city, zhongshan city and the north border. Zhuhai is one of China's five special economic zones, the land area of 1701 square kilometers, population 1.5602 million people (20__ census statistics), is the population of the smallest places in guangdong province. Zhuhai is 604 km long coastline, there are 146 islands, the islands dotted, most concentrated in the eastern waters wanshan islands, reason has "city of hundred islands" of reputation. Zhuhai is the core of the west bank city of pearl river mouth, the new garden city; Zhuhai is a "happy city" issued by the country's new, so have the title of "romantic city" in China. Zhuhai rich solar, annual average sunshine hours for 1991.8 hours, the sun radiation focal/total of 4.6516 billion square meters. Here the temperature is higher than near the pearl river delta city counties, annual average temperature 22.4 ℃, in most of the year no frost, is one of the richest in heat in China.


  huaqing pool is situated about 35 kilometres east of the city of xi’an. historically, the western zhou dynasty saw the construction of the li palace on the spot. in the qin dynasty a pool was built with stones, and was given the name lishan tang (the lishan hot spring). the site was extended into a palace in the han dynasty, and renamed the li palace (the resort palace). in the tang dynasty, li shimin (emperor tai zong) ordered to construct the hot spring palace, and emperor xuan zong had a walled palace built around lishan mountain in the year of 747. it was known as the huaqing palace. it also had the name huaqing pool on account of its location on the hot springs.

  huaqing pool is located at the foot of the lishan mountain, a branch range of the qinling ranges, and stands 1,256 metres high. it is covered with pines and cypresses, looking very much like a like a dark green galloping horse from a long distance. so it has the name of the lishan mountain (li means a black horse).

  the tang dynasty emperor xuan zong and his favourite lady, yang gui fei used to make their home at frost drifting hall in winter days. when winter came, snowflakes were floating in the air, and everything in sight was white. however, they came into thaw immediately in front of the hall. it owed a great deal to the luke warm vapour rising out of the hot spring. this is the frost drifting hall that greets us today.


  welcome to yunnan, welcome to tengchong! it’s my honor to be your guide. today we are going to visit the volcanoes and hot springs in tengchong, which are the most famous here.

  as we will get there in a few minutes, first allow me to give you a brief intoduction of tengchong. tengchong is located in the southwest of china and occupies an area of 5800 square kilometers. there are 23 nationalities here, such as 汉、傣、回、白 nationalities and so on. when we mentioned tengchong, three things will come into mind, which are: the volcanoes and hot springs having 10,000 years, the border city having 1,000 years and the fair of jade having 100 years.

  later we will get to the volcanoes and the hot spring, so now i can tell you something about the latter two ones. they all can reflect the long history tengchong has. tengchong is a city on boarder. and because of its location, it has been an important place for military reasons. and that’s a part of its history. it’s also regarded as the county of manners, and it is the hometown of so many famous people. and another part of its history is that tengchong is one trade center of jade between china and burma. so don’t forget to get a round to the jade fair. i think you will feel interested.

  ok, everyone, here is the library of the volcanoes. now let’s have a look at .the volcanoes in tengchong are famous in china, and it’s one of the four groups of volcanoes in china. the strong extravasations are the cause of the landform of tengchong. there is a lieder in tengchong saying that:” such a place tengchong, nine in ten mountains have no peaks.” it’s very vivid, from that you can see so many volcanoes are in tengchong. there are 97 volcanoes in tengchong now with high value of tourism and scientific research.


  Dear friends hello! Welcome to join our business travel agency zhouzhuang day trip. I am your the zhouzhuang tour guide, my name is, a haze haze. Guide also can call me when you can call me LAN LAN.

  We arranged like this is today's schedule, we give priority to with scenic spots in the morning, so after a moment into the scenic spot, first please follow small beatiful visit scenic spots to visit? I can do for you in the process of related sites, because today is Saturday (days), tourists is more, easy to produce crowded, easy to get lost, so small beatiful here again with tight, please make sure you have eaten lunch we will free activities. We are fixed-point don't order a meal for lunch. Below please out his phone and write down my phone number... If got lost, don't be afraid to just call me I'll find you the first time the oh, if I couldn't get through just a few more times. If anyone is not clear? (no) echo before into the scenic spot, we are going to take a free photo first, what's the use of this? It is mainly used for separated from zhouzhuang in residential areas. To facilitate check-in. In front of me also said that today people is more, the team is very much also, queue, so please don't crowded. Patience to wait. If there is anything that xiao zhu where our thoughtlessness, please forgive me.

  Good! Here, I give you to introduce our waterfront town, zhouzhuang. We visit today zhouzhuang is located in kunshan city, suzhou, wujiang, Shanghai qingpu at the boundary of three counties, the east is the famous dianshan lake, not far from here by bus to Shanghai grand view garden only need ten minutes. So someone said: "zhouzhuang is a pearl of dianshan lake."

  Zhouzhuang, which is a jiangnan ancient town with a history of more than nine hundred years, it has a long tradition, simple morals, ancient architecture, the famous ancient architecture expert who said; "Zhouzhuang is not only a treasure in jiangsu province, and it is a treasure of the country." Chinese Taiwan jinwei magazine called zhouzhuang is "China's first water town". After a lot of guests visited zhouzhuang, said: "above there is heaven and below there are suzhou and hangzhou, there is also a zhouzhuang in the middle." To zhouzhuang holds so many buildings in the Ming and qing dynasties and admiration, for "small bridge, flowing water, somebody else" exquisite pattern and dazzled.

  Zhouzhuang why called zhouzhuang, we just as its name implies is zhou family estate. Actually, zhouzhuang in the earliest time that once called zhenfengli, nine hundred years ago in the area of one's family name is zhou di lang to donate the two hundred mu built QuanFu temple, the local people in order to commemorate him, once called zhenfengli renamed in zhouzhuang.

  Today we mainly visit scenic spots have a hall, shen hall, build, and so on. This rich shen was the hall of shen three thousand estate. When Shen Wanshan use zhouzhuang channel to do foreign trade, foreign to zhouzhuang of rapid economic development, also make the rich themselves. Shen hall for the folk houses. Shen hall is "seven into five gate house", it's seven can be divided into three parts, the first is the first part, is the place that greeted her guests; The second, three, four into shen is the second part of the hall, is where the guests; Fifth, six and seven is the third part, is the place where shenyang living. In short, it can use four word can be summed up in three parts: "front desk".

  Zhang hall is zhouzhuang one of only a few buildings of Ming dynasty, for jiangsu province key cultural relics protection units. A hall for the Ming dynasty ZhongShanWang managed brother Xu Mengqing offspring. Xu Gujian's supposedly named xu hall, why call zhang hall? When it was in the early years of the qing dynasty, the xu decline, will sell the house to the zhang family, was renamed the hall.

  Zhouzhuang is belonged to one of the most famous build up. This is why, that is from a pair of words, it was the spring of 1984, Shanghai famous contemporary painter Chen come to zhouzhuang, in a small boat to see the build, feel it brought back memories of childhood. Then, in order to build as the background, create a title for the memory of hometown of painting. Later, the painting along with 37 pieces of his works in the western oil companies in the United States President armando. Hammer's name hammer on display in the gallery. This painting caused a great sensation at the time, then, was armand. Hammer with high purchase hide. In the same year in November, Mr Hammer when they visit China, send the painting to the deng xiaoping. In 1985, the painting again after Chen processing become at that time, the UN's first day cover design, favored by stamp collectors and people from all walks of life. By the news media publicity, zhouzhuang town. Chen's painting to make the unknown build towards the world. Key bridge is not the key is better than the key, because it opens the door to zhouzhuang and international association of friendship.


  Hello, everyone

  Ah, the breeze is so comfortable on my face. Do you know what the smell is?Guess, the smell of grass and peach blossom are all right. They are all thesmell of Shanghai and the foreign atmosphere of Shanghai. You know more or less.Stories and legends about Shanghai, celebrities, TV and movies, cultural relicsand historic sites, in everyone's mind, the image of Shanghai is just likeCheung's cheongsam in the mood for love, with different customs.

  Now I will describe this kind of Cheongsam in my heart!

  Shanghai has a quality that no city can match, that is, its "foreignstyle". Since 1843, the imperialist powers have settled in Shanghai, which hasformed its characteristics of embracing all rivers and blending Chinese andWestern cultures. We will never forget it, In the golden autumn of 20__, theheads of state in Tang costume attended the APEC meeting held in Shanghai. Whycan't they forget? What attracts everyone's attention is not only the Tangcostume made of high-quality Jiangnan Silk, but also because Shanghai has becomean international economic, financial and trade center and a large port city inthe new century.

  In twenty-first Century, Shanghai showed a scene of prosperity andopenness. The buildings on the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, Jinmao Tower, ShanghaiInternational Conference Center and Pudong International Airport are the mostcommon buildings on TV. They are the decorations of Shanghai, such as MaggieCheung's pearl necklace and eardrop, and the more elegant women always needdecorations. So, the bustling Shanghai needs to be prosperous again. It takesthese buildings to decorate them to make them attractive. Some people say thatthe culture of 20__ years has come to Xi'an, that of 500 years to Beijing, andthat of nearly 100 years to Shanghai. To describe the development of Shanghai interms of vicissitudes and rapid changes, do you have any opinions? What wasShanghai like a long time ago?

  As early as the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period,Shanghai first belonged to Wu, then to Yue, and then to Chu. At that time, HuangXie, a great general of the state of Chu, made great contributions in harnessingthe river course and was granted the title of Marquis of Chunshen, so Shanghaiwas referred to as "Shen" for short. In 223 BC, after Qin destroyed Chu, QinShihuang led Prime Minister Lisi and his black sheep, Qin II, to visit thesouth. They saw that Shanghai was rich in products, prosperous in trade, andprosperous in population. However, people were only trading on ships, and hadnot yet formed a city. At that time, most residents in Wusongkou area ofShanghai made a living by fishing. Clever fishermen invented a bamboo fishingtool "Hu". How to describe it? Bamboo or wooden sticks were woven together toform a square or circular shape. When the tide was high, the fish would bethrown into the "Hu". When the tide was low, the fish could only look at theocean and sigh. It was a bit like inviting the king into the urn, so thefishermen would take advantage of the fishing When the tide was low, I wentinside to pick up fish. I think Shanghainese may be the descendants of farmerswaiting for a rabbit. I'm sorry to make a joke. Later, Shanghai was referred toas "Hu" for this reason, but why did they add three points of water? People allover the world know that "Hu" is a small fishing village and a big market townafter the "households" of waterfront people fishing. At that time, there were 18trading ports, including Shanghai port and xiahaipu port. In the late NorthernSong Dynasty, as the Songjiang River became shallower, Shanghai beach was formedfrom the Bund to Shiliupu today. Ships on the sea from Shanghai to the east ofthe old city, so "Shanghai" has become the name of a city. We all know that"Shanghai" is evolved from "Shanghai Pu". There is a saying that both positiveand negative readings are the same: Shanghai tap water comes from the sea. Readit.

  After the Opium War, Nanjing Treaty, the first unequal treaty in Chinesehistory, came into being. Shanghai was forced to open up as a trading port byforeign colonialists, and foreign powers set up concessions in Shanghai oneafter another. From then on, Shanghai became the "cradle of adventurers" offoreign invaders for more than a century. It was not until after the victory ofthe Anti Japanese war in 1945 that the concession was taken back by the people.On May 28, 1949, the Shanghai Municipal People's government was established.Today, Shanghai has become an international metropolis with prosperous economyand advanced science and education.

  This metropolis is 6341 square kilometers, registered residence about16000000, and the urban population density is more than 20 thousand people persquare kilometer. It's really crowded. Huangpu river divides Shanghai into twoparts of Pudong and Puxi. Pudong New Area is a region that has been developingsince 90s of last century. We will enjoy her beautiful scenery in theevening.

  Why not see it in the daytime? In the daytime, Shanghai is just high-risebuildings, countless traffic lights, endless flow of cars, and bustling crowds.What it brings us is a hard and distant feeling. There is such a saying, rainWest Lake, fog Chongqing, night Shanghai, night Shanghai, Zhou Xuan's song, ZhaoWei's cover in the deep rain --- night Shanghai, night Shanghai!

  Of course, how to look at Shanghai this night? The learned can be said tobe "looking at the mountains horizontally and forming peaks on the side, withdifferent heights and distances.". So, in order to help you appreciate the charmof Shanghai in an all-round way, we can look up, look up and look down onShanghai from three perspectives.

  Looking at the sea: we can take the luxury cruise ship near the Bund ofShanghai, visit the international architecture Expo in Pudong, and see theJinmao pearl Conference Center on the other side of the bank from a distance, soas to record the brilliance of Shanghai in our eyes and cameras.

  Lu Kan: our good driver will take you around the city to see the people'sSquare in the night, Shanghai Opera House, Nanjing Road, the first street inChina, and Hengshan Road, the new commercial street, for a close look at allkinds of Shanghai's customs.

  Empty look: of course, to the 88th sightseeing floor of Jinmao building,let's talk about a little story about Jinmao. About the declaration of Guinnesscentury records, Jinmao building is the first in China and the fourth tallest inthe world. It's tower shaped, some like the little wild goose pagoda in Xi'an.The total cost is 1.5 times of the total cost of Nanpu Yangpu and Mingzhu, whichis 420.5 meters high. At home and abroad, there are three climbing enthusiastsclimbing to the top of Jinmao, and there is a fourth Jiangxi young man. At fouro'clock in the night, he began to climb abruptly. When he reached the 87thfloor, he was exhausted. At 7:10, he was "carried" down by the high crane.

  It's so dangerous. He doesn't know what to expect. Even monkeys can't helpit. At this time, you may think, the tour guide let us go to Jinmao to enjoy thebeautiful scenery, do you also want us to climb the stairs? No, everyone'ssafety is my safety, we can get to the 88th floor of 340 meters in 45 seconds,because we are taking the fastest and safest elevator in the world. When we getthere, it can be said that "we will climb to the top of the mountain and see allthe mountains". A panoramic view of Shanghai. At this time, you will sigh thatShanghai is so beautiful. Shanghai is like Maggie Cheung in evening dress. Thelights are like her shawl made of gems. Eh, is it Li Xiang who gave it to her?There are so many Li Xiang's family. Alas, hearing is truth, seeing isemptiness. What's the matter.


  Hello, I am your little guide. Today I will take you to visit huangshan.

  Speak of the "four unique" huangshan ranked first, of course, is loose. Huangshan pine has a very strong force. They are not afraid of cold, evergreen, shape differences, dazzle you.

  The second is the stone. The stones are various of huangshan. There are more than 120 have been named after the peak. Some wings like a big cock crows, so named "golden call tianmen", some like five old man dressed in robes, the so called "five old heaven all".

  The third is the hot spring. We often make peace visit hot springs is a former mountain huangshan hot spring hotel, in ancient times called essence, Wells from purple stone mountain. Keep the spring all the year round in 42 degrees, water quality is very good, but not to drink.

  Finally, we come to huangshan sea of clouds. The cloud of huangshan is different from the usual, like the flood water.

  Well, today is here, welcome to visit huangshan next time.


  Hereinafter referred to as the "gan" or "(" in gansu province, is the ancient ganzhou (now zhang ye) and the state (now the jiuquan) ancient qi acronym. Gansu province is located in the qinghai-tibet, Inner Mongolia, three loess plateau interchange, vast territory, abundant resources, natural condition is complicated. The provincial jurisdiction over 14 province, 87 counties, land with a total area of 45.4 square kilometers, the seventh in the nation. , at the end of 20xx total population of 20xx people, including han, Tibetan, Mongolian, yulin, dongxiang, 45 nations such as security, dongxiang, yulin, special ethnic people transforming of gansu. The province terrain is long and narrow, 1655 km long, north and south 530 kilometers wide, the end of 500 meters above sea level, the highest for nearly 5000 meters. Rolling of the Yellow River in gansu provides abundant hydropower resources, the qilian mountain snow to irrigate the hexi corridor thousands of lies; Rich and vast longdong loess plateau; (3) in the vast land, longnan mountain climate is mild, the fragrance of rice, gannan, qilian mountain foothills of grassland, is one of the five major pastoral areas.

  Gansu province, in the development of the Chinese nation, has a long history and splendid culture. Bay site proves that the earth here is one of the cradles of the Chinese nation, the humanities ancestor fu was born in wei river upstream. More than three thousand years ago, zhou ancestors intelligence in longdong area. Since the han and tang dynasties, gansu as Chinese and western cultural exchange, the commerce of the silk road, left a rich historical relics. The world civilization the mogao grottoes, magnificent jiayuguan, underground treasure slips, resplendent and magnificent, don't stare blankly temple and ancient Great Wall, etc., by its unique charm to attract tourists.

  Gansu province, in the liberation for fifty years, especially since the reform and opening, has undergone earth-shaking changes, industrial and agricultural production, each enterprise vigorous development. In 20xx, the province's gross domestic product (GDP) completed 116.1 billion yuan, urban per capita disposable income reached 6151.42 yuan, per capita net income of farmers reached 1590.3 yuan. To achieve a grain self-sufficiency in the province; In industry has been initially formed to non-ferrous metals, petrochemicals, machinery and electricity coal as the main body, the structure is reasonable, relatively complete categories, has a strong industrial base material technology base. Convenient railway, highway, civil aviation. Lanzhou city has become the northwest traffic, post and communications hub and business center. Of culture, education, sports, health, and scientific research career has great development, people's living standards have improved significantly.


  Fairy mountain is located in chongqing three gorges tourism in wulong county wujiang river north shore double river township, 35 km away from the county seat, west fuling city, north to fengdu, 1991.7 meters above sea level. Famous scenic spot "of China's most beautiful cave", "underground palace", our country only as cave declared to be the world's natural heritage attractions, furong cave. The world natural heritage site, the world's largest natural arch group, the world's second largest tiankeng group - tiankeng scenic spot three bridge.

  Yuxiang highway (about 160 km high-speed road, drive about 2 hours) after arriving at the wulong to JiangKou Town may at his own expense to visit "China's most beautiful cave", "underground palace", our country only as cave declared to be the world's natural heritage attractions, furong cave, or participate in furong jiang river speed skating. In fairy mountain area (dealership time about an hour and a half), arrived at three Qiao tiankeng scenic area, visiting the national AAAA level scenic area, the world natural heritage site, the world's largest natural arch group, the world's second largest tiankeng group - tiankeng scenic spot three bridge; Stay in zhang yimou film "gold armour" the only location, watch 2 million built in the tang dynasty ancient dak, feeling "three bridge between two pit" spectacular! (about 2.5 hours); After dinner, drove to fairy mountain or mid-levels, hotel, night can roast sheep at his own expense.

  Fairy mountain is located in chongqing three gorges tourism in wulong county wujiang river north shore double river township, 35 km away from the county seat, west fuling city, north to fengdu, water and land transportation is very convenient. In wuling mountain, the elevation 1991.7 meters, covers an area of 350000 mu. An average elevation of 1800 meters, peak 1800 meters. Shallow hill mountain for plateau lawn, occasionally.


  Hello everyone, welcome to the Huang Shan Mountain who seems like fairyland on the earth. My name is Wang Ping, I’m from Anhui travel agency; you also can call me Xiao Wang. This is the driver Master Li who has a lot of experience; you can be assured of our traffic safety on the road. Next, I will do my best to provide warm and thoughtful service for everyone; I hope you will be able to actively cooperate with our work. If there is something wrong, please give me your suggestion. At the same time, I wish you have a pleasant tour today.

  Let me briefly explain the Huang Shan Mountain. In Mount Huangshan we find all beauties of nature; it occupies an area of 1200 square kilometers in South Anhui Province. As a double entry on the list of UNESCO's Heritage of Culture and Nature,Huang Shan Mountain is one of the top ten national spots. And it is also the National 5A level scenic spot. Xu Xiake, a great Chinese traveler visited this place twice and left “behind you won't want to visit any other mountains after seeing wu yue, but you won’t wish to see even wu yue after returning from huangshan.”

  There's a story behind the name of Huang Shan Mountain. Are you interested? Long long ago, Huangshan was called Yishan. In Tang Dynasty, the emperor Xuanzong ordered renamed Huangshan according folklore. This folklore said it was the place where Emperor Xuan Yuan attended the heaven in here. Huang Shan Mountain opens her generous arms to the guests from all over the world. It's well-known for its four wonders; do you know it?

  The strange pines are unique. Huangshan pines are seen in every corner of Huang Shan Mountain. You will be amazed by their vitality and strength. The seeds fall into the crevices where they take root and grow with great vigor. So they become crooked and even downward. A representation of Guest-Greeting Pine, Guest-Goodbye Pine, Cushion Pine, Phoenix Pine and Chessboard Pine.

  The Absurd Stones also are unique. Spectacular rocky peaks will inspire your imagination. Some look like human beings, birds, animals or many other objects, it makes the stones even more

  fascinating when seen from different. It is amazing that every stone has its own fantastic legend.

  Huang Shan Mountain is home to clouds and mists. The Sea of Clouds has a fairy tale beauty. Winter is the best season for this spectacle. According to their locations, the seas of clouds are divided into East Sea, South Sea, West Sea, North Sea and Sky Sea.

  To be able to refresh yourself in the hot springs on Huang

  Shan Mountain,it must be one of the best ways to enjoy and relax. Legend has it that Huang Di, the ancestor of the Chinese nation, bathed here 49 days before he ascend to heaven and became immoral.

  Well, ladies and gentleman, our tour is coming to the end, thank you for your cooperation and support. In this way, please forgive me in unconsidered place. Finally, I wish you always happy and healthy.


  Guangxi is one of the five ethnic autonomous regions, zhuang, han, yao, miao, dong and other 12 indigenous peoples. At the end of 20xx a total population of 50.92 million people, the resident population of 4856 people, including ethnic minority population of 19.59 million people, accounting for 38.8% of the population in this district, zhuang population of 16.65 million people, 33% of the total population. Land area of 23.67 square kilometers, in 14 cities and 110 counties (city, area).

  The development of guangxi advantage mainly include four aspects:

  One is the location advantage. Guangxi coastal, border areas, along the Yangtze river, is located in south China, southwest and asean economic circle of the junction, is the most convenient port in southwest China and opening to the outside of the window, is China's only border with the association of south-east Asian nations (asean) has both land and sea lanes of provinces and autonomous regions, is the forefront of China's open to the association of south-east Asian nations (asean) and the "bridgehead".出处

  Second, the resource advantage. Guangxi is one of the 10 key areas for producing non-ferrous metals, aluminum, manganese, tin, antimony, indium and other mineral reserves ranked among the top nationwide, including aluminum resources reserves of 1 billion tons, built the Asia important aluminum industrial base in the country. Water can be developed reserves of more than 1800 kw, the seventh in the nation. Guangxi is China's rice, sugar cane, silkworm cocoon, cassava production first in the country. Coastal resources and Marine resources is also very rich. Guangxi has rich tourism resources, guilin landscape, coastal scenery, border customs and ethnic customs make people linger.

  Three is the ecological advantages. The blue sky blue sea, green mountain water show, the air is fresh, is one of the advantages of guangxi. In the existing forest area of 193 million mu, forest coverage rate of 55%, the fourth in the nation, there are 22 national ecological demonstration area, 76 natural reserve. Good ecological environment, has become one of the advantages of guangxi, a big brand, is a precious wealth.

  Four is policy advantage. At the same time enjoy the coastal areas of the open policy, the western development policy, regional national autonomy policy and border trade policy. Countries approved the implementation of the beibu gulf economic zone in guangxi development planning ", specifically in the comprehensive reform, major projects, bonded logistics system, financial innovation should give policy support and open cooperation, etc. The state council formally issued "several opinions on further speed up the economic and social development in guangxi", from the national level of economic and social development in guangxi has made strategic deployment, further strengthen the support to guangxi. Superposition of a variety of preferential policies, so that the investment environment of guangxi and open conditions become more prominent.

  According to preliminary statistics, our GNP in 20xx to achieve 770.036 billion yuan, an increase of 13.9% over the previous year, the fifth growth in the country; Fiscal revenue was 96.689 billion yuan, an increase of 14.7%, of which the general budget revenue was 62.083 billion yuan, an increase of 19.8%, the growth rate ranked sixth in the country; In social investment in fixed assets 570.67 billion yuan, up by 50.8%; Total foreign trade import and export growth of 7.3%, including export growth of 13.9%, increase the national first place; Urban per capita disposable income of 15451 yuan, the actual increase of 12%. Farmers per capita net income of 3980 yuan, the actual growth rate of 10.6%.

  Current and future a period, guangxi will fully implement the party's 17th and 17 third session, the fourth plenary session spirits, and general secretary hu jintao and other central leading comrades of guangxi work the important instructions of spirit, with deng xiaoping theory and "three represents" important thought as guidance, further implement the scientific outlook on development, conscientiously implement the state council "about to further promote economic and social development in guangxi several opinions, surrounding the construction wealthy civilization harmonious new guangxi, adhere to the implementation of the scientific progress three year plan of the strategic objectives, adhere to scientific development, harmonious development, spanning development strategy of the theme, adhere to the space in time and resources in industry and in the incremental stock of strategic thinking, adhere to the industry, traffic, the priority development of strategic layout of the beibu gulf economic zone, constantly new strides in continue to emancipate the mind, realize new breakthrough on adhere to the reform and opening up, on the scientific development, promote social harmony on the new progress to see new achievements, to become a new highland international regional economic cooperation, guangxi construction new coastal economic development of China.


  Hebei Shanhaiguan Great Wall is the entrance of the Great Wall. "The key ofthe two capitals is unparalleled, and the first pass of the Great Wall" belongsto Shanhaiguan, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. With a total length of 26 km,it mainly includes: laolongtou Great Wall, Guancheng Great Wall in the south,north, Jiaoshan Great Wall, SANDAOGUAN great wall and jiumenkou Great Wall.Laolongtou Great Wall is the end part of the great wall into the sea, with thereputation of "the soul of China".

  Shanhaiguan city is composed of seven Castles: Guan City, Dongluo City,Xiluo City, South Wing City, North Wing City, Weiyuan city and Ninghai city.There are 4769 meters long, 11.6 meters high and more than 10 meters thick wallsaround. The walls are tall, solid and magnificent. There are four gates in theEast, West, South and North, turrets in the East, South and northeast, andmagnificent bell and drum towers in the middle of the city. The scale of thewhole acropolis is magnificent, and the defense project is solid. Shanhaiguanwas the product of the establishment of the "garrison system" in Ming Dynasty.The "garrison system" and reform policy in Ming Dynasty played an important rolein the consolidation and development of Shanhaiguan.

  Shanhaiguan Great Wall is composed of seven Castles: Guancheng, Dongluo,Xiluo, Nanyi, Beiyi, Weiyuan and Ninghai. It is surrounded by walls of 4769meters long, 11.6 meters high and more than 10 meters thick. The walls are tall,solid and magnificent. There are four gates in the East, West, South and North,turrets in the East, South and northeast, and magnificent bell and drum towersin the middle of the city. The scale of the whole acropolis is magnificent, andthe defense project is solid. Shanhaiguan was the product of the establishmentof the "garrison system" in Ming Dynasty. The "garrison system" and reformpolicy in Ming Dynasty played an important role in the consolidation anddevelopment of Shanhaiguan.

  Since the establishment of Shanhaiguan, there have been frequent exchangesbetween merchants and active economic and trade activities, which played animportant role in developing friendly exchanges between nationalities, promotingeconomic and cultural exchanges, protecting the capital and consolidating therule of the Ming Dynasty. No matter from scale, layout or structure, the customsand customs are rare in China's ancient architectural history. It is also theessence of the Great Wall, and is a rare masterpiece in China's ancient city'streasure house. Shanhaiguan is a treasure of ancient Chinese architecture and aprecious historical legacy of the motherland.

  The temples in Shanhaiguan area developed rapidly in Ming and QingDynasties. The most famous temple buildings are: the remarkable temple, theConfucian Temple, the mosque, the San Qing Guan, the virgin temple, the TownGod's Temple, the Beihai temple, the Dragon God Temple, the Thean Hou Temple,Erlang temple and so on.

  The streets and alleys of Shanhaiguan and Guancheng are typicalcheckerboard layout. The streets and alleys of Guancheng are connected withresidential buildings with rich local color.

  The Great Wall is a historical monument of the wisdom and hard work of theChinese nation, and the Great Wall is an important part of the Great Wall, whichis the world-famous place where the Great Wall enters the sea. At present, theGreat Wall in Shanhaiguan has a total length of 26 kilometers, mainly including:laolongtou Great Wall, South Wing Great Wall, Guancheng Great Wall, North WingGreat Wall, Jiaoshan Great Wall, SANDAOGUAN great wall and jiumenkou GreatWall.

  Shanhaiguan, also known as "Yuguan", is the starting point of the northeastend of the great wall of Ming Dynasty. It is located 15 kilometers northeast ofQinhuangdao City, and has the reputation of "the first pass in the world".Shanhaiguan scenic spot is a famous historical and cultural ancient city andsummer resort with many places of interest, beautiful scenery and pleasantclimate. There are more than 90 places of interest with development andornamental value in the area, forming six major scenic spots, namely "old dragonhead", "mengjiangnu Temple", "Jiaoshan", "the first pass in the world","Changshou mountain" and "Yansai Lake". Among them, the essence of China'sancient the Great Wall is the the Great Wall of Shanhaiguan. The East startingpoint of the great wall of Ming Dynasty is laolongtou, where the great wallmeets with the sea, with blue sea and Jinsha, and the sky opens to the sea. Thefamous "No.1 pass in the world" is towering. It is known as "pinghan in thecapital and the throat of liaozuo". The great wall of Jiaoshan mountain iswinding, with steep beacon towers and picturesque scenery. The "rain andsunshine in the mountain temple, Ruilian holding the sun" and the wonderful"Qixian Buddha light" in the "eight scenes of Yuguan" attract many touriststourist. Meng Jiangnu temple is a moving story of Jiang Nu's seeking husband, aChinese folk legend. Chen Yun and his poem praise that "the Great Wall is builtby the sweat and blood of many anonymous people. Experts and scholars have noway to verify it, but a generation of heroes with all names are actually a kindof glory in half the sky.". Xuanyang cave, the largest natural granite cave innorthern China, is like a paradise with strange caves, strange rocks andgurgling springs. Yansai lake is a beautiful pearl outside the Great Wall.


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