

作者:莫冷潇2023-08-27 13:24:01

导读:小朋友英语音乐教案反思 (篇1) 教学设计 一,教学目标与要求: 1,能够听,说,读,写短语:turn left, turn right , go straight . 2, 能听,说,认读句型:“How can I get to the museum? Go straight... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!


  小朋友英语音乐教案反思 (篇1)



  1,能够听,说,读,写短语:turn left, turn right , go straight .

  2, 能听,说,认读句型:“How can I get to the museum? Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left.” 并能进行关键词的替换操练。

  3,能听,说,认读句子:“It’s east of the cinema. Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left.” 并能在情景中进行应用。(let’s talk 的内容)


  重点:turn left, turn right , go straight,It’s east of the cinema. Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left

  难点:It’s east of the cinema. Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left








  1,Warming up and revision

  T: Look at me ,what’s this

  Ss: hand

  T: Yes, It ‘s a left hand. show me your left hand please.

  T: (show right hand) Is this a left hand?

  Ss: No, It’s a right hand (如果学生不会加上right老师要引导)

  T: touch your left ear……(通过指令活动让学生掌握left right)

  Game: Simon says

  (用本游戏进一步操练left right ,并能提高学生的学习气氛,为本节课奠定了课堂氛围)

  2,Presentation and practice

  1T: Boys and girls, look! this is my left hand ,now I turn left(做动作,强调turn left)

  板书turn left 带读

  用同样方法呈现turn right

  操练:turn left, turn right


  T:The whole class , stand up , turn left …..turn right…..


  Guessing game复习library, cinema 等学过的表示地方的单词,猜对的学生可以拿到表示地方的单词图片,并放到自己小组的桌子中间,等所有图片都复习完了,所有图片就到了各个小组中间,教师就成了一个小城市,有各种建筑物,为下一活动做准备。


  T:I am a robot now , you can control me ,now, I want to go to the …….

  Ss: Turn … go straight ….

  T: (扮演成一个盲人,用红领巾蒙住眼睛) I want to go to the …….

  Ss: Turn … go straight ….



  T: (教师事先把一些玩具藏在各个小组的桌子里) go straight , turn left at the cinema , go straight turn right . you can find you dog.


  叫一个学生上讲台:S1:go straight , turn left at the cinema , go straight turn right . you can find you dog.(学生边走边说,走对了拿到宝物的,宝物暂时给该学生保存)

  5呈现句子It’s east of the cinema.

  用图片复习方位词east west south north 并把它们贴到教室的四个方位,教师站在中间,教师指哪个地方,学生就大声读出这个方位。

  6教师站在教师的一个小组上T : Where is Mr Chen? Ss: It is in the cinema. 教师这时用手指东边,Ss: It’s a library. T: So the library is in the east , It’s east of the cinema.(强调It’s east of the cinema.)


  7录音呈现Let’s talk 内容,老师带读

  8呈现Let’s talk 挂图。教师指定一个地方,让学生Pair work 讨论怎么去到那个地方。


  T:Now our classroom is a city. There is a … There is a … suppose you are a stranger, you do not know how to get to somewhere ,and your friend live in this city ,so talk with your friend .

  4, Home work

  Copy the worlds and sentences in P19 and P20

  小朋友英语音乐教案反思 (篇2)


  1、 能力目标:

  (1) 能够简单描述自己教师的体貌特征及性格特点,如:We have a new

  (2) 能够询问并介绍学校里教师的情况,如:Who’s your English

  (3) 能够听懂一些描述人物特征的简单对话,完成学生用书中的Let’s try 部分。

  (4) 能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My New Teachers”.能够灵活替换歌词中的



  (5)理解A、B部分Read and write 中的会话,并根据提示填充句子或

  (6) 听、说、读、写A、B部分Let’s learn 和Read and write 中的四

  a) 理解Let’s start、Let’s find out、Let’s sing、Let’s chant 和Pair work

  b) 了解Pronunciation部分的字母组合在单词中的发音,并能熟练读

  c) 了解Task time 、Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。


  a) 情感态度:根据小学高年级阶段学生的特点,引导他们在英语学习

  b) 学习策略:学习过程中注意培养学生合作学习的态度和方法,有效

  c) 文化目标:了解中西方国家在称呼人名上的不同习惯。


  第一课时A Let’s start Let’s learn Let’s chant Let’s find out

  第二课时A let’s try Let’s talk Let’s chant C Good to know

  第三课时A Read and write Pair work C Story time

  第四课时B Let’s learn Let’s chant Let’s sing

  第五课时B let’s try Let’s talk Group work C Task time

  第六课时B Read and write Talk and draw Pronunciation Let’s check

  小朋友英语音乐教案反思 (篇3)


  本课是新标准英语三年级起点第五册第四模块第一单元《It’s mine》。本单元主要学习物品所属和名词物主代词的表达方法。学生通过学习掌握mine、yours、argue、matter等单词。掌握并灵活运用句型It’s mine./It’s his/It’s lingling’s./It isn’t his 来达到学习目的。










  一、Warming-up 热身环节


  I I I ,my my my

  He He He, his his his


  二、presentation 新知呈现

  首先,我拿起自己的书,问学生Whose book is it? It’s my book.可用It’s mine.来代替,然后带领学生多读几遍,练习这个句型。再拿起Mingming的铅笔盒,询问LingHang(学生)Whose pencil-box is it?引导学生回答:It’s Mingming’s pencil-box.告诉学生It’s Mingming’s pencil-box 可用It’s Mingming’s 来代替,用同样的方式教授his、hers。



  It’s Amy’s T-shirt? No,it isn’t.

  What colour is Sam’s T-shirt? It’s red.



  三、Practice 趣味操练、巩固新知

  用多媒体课件呈现Prat 3 的四幅图片,图下面分别注明Ms Smart’s sweater Lingling’s skirt Amy’s skirt Sam’s trousers分别显示。老师问学生答或者学生问学生答,来练习句型Is this Ms Smart’s sweater? Yes,it’s hers./No,isn’t hers.

  这一句型也是本课的重点,是一种否定表达方法。这样师生合作完成教学曾今了师生之间的感情达到了师生互动、生生互动的效果。 本环节通过反复练习巩固并掌握了所学知识,小组合作联系培养了学生的合作交流能力。

  四、Consoludation 拓展延伸



  五、Summary and Homework



  小朋友英语音乐教案反思 (篇4)

  I want a hot dog please.

  learning aims:

  1、能听懂、会读、会说、会写本单元的单词:hamburger \cola \hot dog\ cent \dollar


  What do you want to eat \drink?

  I want to…

  How much is it? It’s…”等句子。



  Step 1: Warm-up and show the learning aims

  1. Say “Hello” to the children and talk about some interesting experience during the winter vacation.

  2. T: Boys and girls, today we are going to learn Module1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog please. (板书课题) First, please look at our learning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)

  Step 2: Learn the new words and the key sentences.

  1. T: Now I feel hungry and thirsty. I want something to eat and drink. Can you give me some suggestions? (让学生说出他们知道的食物和饮料,并板书在黑板上)

  2. Ask the students to learn the new words by themselves.

  ① Try to read by themselves.

  ② Listen to the tape and read after the tape.

  ③Let the students read the words in their own small groups.

  3. (The teacher points to the words in the blackboard): I want a hot dog, please. (使用这种方式逐一把单词带入句型中,给学生进行重点句型的大量听力输入)

  4.Pair works: Ask and answer with the key sentences.

  ①What do you want? I want….

  ②How much is it? It’s ….

  Step 3: Learn the text

  T: Today Daming , Simon and Simon’s father go to the restaurant to have the meal. The dialogue tells us the story.

  1. Put the pictures on the blackboard and ask the children to look at the picture carefully. Listen to the dialogue between the waitress and the customers.

  2. Listen to the tape and circle the new words.

  3. Listen again and answer some questions.

  Where are they? Is a hot dog really a dog?

  What does Daming\Simon\Simon’s father want?

  4. Pause after each sentence for the children to repeat.

  5. Practice in groups and act out the dialogue.

  Step 4 Finish a task

  1. Recite the new words and the key sentences correctly and skillfully in 5 minutes.

  2. Group works: Suppose you are in the restaurant and going to have a meal. Then make a dialogue.

  3. Copy the new words three times. (要求:①在四线格内书写 ②用手写体书写 ③书写要认真、细心、端正、漂亮)

  Blackboard Writing:

  I want a hot dog, please.

  New words:hamburger , cola, dollar, cent, enjoy

  What do you want? I want….

  How much is it? It’s ….


编辑特别推荐:2024年一年级下册语文教案托班关于主题活动教案下载音乐教案模板幼儿安全教育教案春季开学安全教育教案, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!