

作者:admin2023-06-30 16:54:02

导读:水立方游泳英语日记带翻译 在这个暑假,我来到了水立方游泳。我和弟弟还有爸爸换好了衣服,便在泳池上做了做热身运动。随后弟弟便跳进了水中。我随即也跳了下去。这时弟弟向我... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!




  In this summer vacation, I came to the water cube to swim.My brother, dad and I changed our clothes and did some warm-up exercises in the pool.Then the younger brother jumped into the water.I jumped right away.Then my brother challenged me.The rule of the game is to swim back and forth.I listened to the heart a smile think, a back and forth!This is really a piece of cake for me! The game begins!I'll slow down and get ready for the second half.Halfway through,I began to work.I swim hard.But I didn't expect to be as fast as my brother.It seems that I can't underestimate the enemy It's time to go ashore.How happy to swim in the water cube!


编辑特别推荐:豆芽生长观察日记暑假日记小学生作文军训第三天日记500字关于观察植物日记400字观察植物350字日记, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!