

作者:admin2023-06-07 21:39:01

导读:大家表扬我英语日记 今天我去学画画了,我们今天学水粉画,老师让我们画一顶帽子。我们先画背景,背景的颜色先用很多的白色加一点蓝色涂到纸上,又用很多的白色加了一点紫色涂... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!




  Today, I went to learn painting. Today, we learn gouache. The teacher asked us to draw a hat. Let's draw the background first. The color of the background is first painted on the paper with a lot of white and a little blue, then with a lot of white and a little purple, and finally with a lot of white and a little pink, the background will be painted. The hat I drew is a white rabbit fairy. The teacher praised me for my imagination. After everyone finished drawing, the teacher fixed our painting on the wall. The teacher asked everyone to say who drew the best. Everyone said that I drew the best. I was very happy to hear that.


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